Coming Soon
450 | 575
24' 5"
Overall Length
Seating Capacity
4,100 lbs
Sub-floor Ballast
Our biggest towboat sets the bar of what a towboat should be. The 2021 Supra® SE™ is the benchmark in towboat performance.
400 | 450 | 575
23' 5"
Overall Length
Seating Capacity
3,500 lbs
Sub-floor Ballast
A larger boat means bigger wakes and waves. This boat is built for unforgettable surf and wakeboard sessions.
400 | 450 | 575
22' 5"
Overall Length
Seating Capacity
3,500 lbs
Sub-floor Ballast
Impressive features and performance define this build. It’s also the Official Towboat of Supra Boats Pro Wake Tour.
400 | 450
20' 11"
Overall Length
Seating Capacity
3,300 lbs
Standard Ballast
An achievement in crossover excellence, the Supra® SR™ has all of the features and luxury that can fit in 20'11".
Often imitated. Never duplicated. AutoWake lets you take command of your wakes and waves with a mix of proprietary innovations you can't find anywhere else. If it's precision you're after, accept no substitutues.
As with most things in life, the more you commit, the better the end result. At Supra boats, We proudly remain independent so we can put everything we can into our luxury wakeboard boats — including the time it takes to make sure every build that comes off our line is as close to perfect as possible.